posts. Member since
Mar 2022
29th May '23 - 14:01PM
My general rule is to book for the day after tomorrow. I try to always message before 5pm.
I just thought I ask around out of curiosity.
One time I did just message at about 9am for 2pm that same day.
I just thought I ask around out of curiosity.
One time I did just message at about 9am for 2pm that same day.

posts. Member since
Feb 2020
29th May '23 - 20:53PM
depends but usually the same day

posts. Member since
Feb 2023
30th May '23 - 16:06PM
normally the day before

posts. Member since
Jan 2020
30th May '23 - 16:40PM
I wouldnt book anything more than a day ahead as more likely than not they will cancel.
Liked by itshuge, Aexpensivehobby

posts. Member since
May 2023
30th May '23 - 17:10PM
The 2 I have met, I booked a couple of days in advance but checked with them the night before to make sure.

posts. Member since
May 2023
6th Aug '23 - 10:11AM
HotDogboy wrote:
I wouldnt book anything more than a day ahead as more likely than not they will cancel.
yes thats my experience as well.

posts. Member since
Feb 2020
23rd Aug '23 - 11:36AM
itshuge wrote:
yes thats my experience as well.
odd isnt it, ive found that too

posts. Member since
May 2023
13th Sep '23 - 07:28AM
I'm the opposite. I tend to book a week ahead of time, so far without any cancellations.
Liked by Britishwildflower, ArcticFlower
User no longer active
19th Sep '23 - 18:31PM
I have already booked for 23rd Dec 😊 for our joint Christmas present!

posts. Member since
Aug 2023
21st Sep '23 - 07:13AM
I wonder if it has to do with the type of women you are booking?
As a worker with business premises and bills to pay (like most service providers), I run my business professionally, and people can book weeks and months in advance. Some people do, and they turn up.
I know what hours I will be working.
I can confidently predict my available hours a year from now! - Unless I'm ill or there is a disaster - it doesn't happen often.
We service providers are just like any other workers, with private lives, commitments, bills, and working hours.
On the subject of cancelling, though:
over the years I've been doing this - I have noticed the men who book far in advance will most often cancel the day before - if I haven't seen them before. It is quite annoying that they reserve that slot right up to the day before, so I don't make other plans.
But at least they do cancel - I don't get many no-shows.
I wonder why they do this? Do they go off the idea? Get nervous? Or just enjoy holding someone's time slot so no other plans can be made?
Some new-to-me clients and regular do book months in advance because they know they are in my area just that one time. I find most clients who do actually show up have booked just a day or two in advance.
For me, it would be hugely helpful if people gave more than 24 hours notice.
In my perfect world, I'd know on Monday morning what I was doing for the next 5-7 days.
I wonder if it has to do with the type of women you are booking?
As a worker with business premises and bills to pay (like most service providers), I run my business professionally, and people can book weeks and months in advance. Some people do, and they turn up.
I know what hours I will be working.
I can confidently predict my available hours a year from now! - Unless I'm ill or there is a disaster - it doesn't happen often.
We service providers are just like any other workers, with private lives, commitments, bills, and working hours.
On the subject of cancelling, though:
over the years I've been doing this - I have noticed the men who book far in advance will most often cancel the day before - if I haven't seen them before. It is quite annoying that they reserve that slot right up to the day before, so I don't make other plans.
But at least they do cancel - I don't get many no-shows.
I wonder why they do this? Do they go off the idea? Get nervous? Or just enjoy holding someone's time slot so no other plans can be made?
Some new-to-me clients and regular do book months in advance because they know they are in my area just that one time. I find most clients who do actually show up have booked just a day or two in advance.
For me, it would be hugely helpful if people gave more than 24 hours notice.
In my perfect world, I'd know on Monday morning what I was doing for the next 5-7 days.
Liked by Britishwildflower, LaPetite
posts. Member since
Mar 2022
21st Sep '23 - 13:24PM
A vast majority of eligible escorts in my area are itinerant so booking up to a week in advance just isn't possible unless I catch them the day they arrive or something.
I've never had an escort cancel on me.
I like to leave myself ample time to freshen up the body and research the location. You never know if they're going to be a stone's trough from a train station or in some nook with a secret entrance.
And yet I don't want them all to be in one place like a brothel. It would probably mean less money for them as well as just taking the charm out of the experience. Just because the sex has been commodified doesn't mean it needs to feel that way. A new home, a new person, no one knows but us and my penpal, I like that.
I've never had an escort cancel on me.
I like to leave myself ample time to freshen up the body and research the location. You never know if they're going to be a stone's trough from a train station or in some nook with a secret entrance.
And yet I don't want them all to be in one place like a brothel. It would probably mean less money for them as well as just taking the charm out of the experience. Just because the sex has been commodified doesn't mean it needs to feel that way. A new home, a new person, no one knows but us and my penpal, I like that.
posts. Member since
Feb 2023
19th Oct '23 - 18:26PM
Usually a day or two in advance. I tend to book during the working week as self employed. If the week is looking quiet then that would be the time to punt. Same day bookings are difficult though as not everyone will be available, but with a day or so of notice, you can usually find someone with availability.

posts. Member since
Sep 2023
20th Oct '23 - 16:19PM
I'd love it if I could have a week or weekend's worth of bookings lined up in advance but the reality is that clients cancel last minute far too often. I understand getting cold feet or just changing one's mind, although I would hope prospective clients could be considerate enough to give more than a couple of hours' notice! Those who book a couple of days in advance or the night before are, in my experience, the most reliable.

posts. Member since
Oct 2020
10th Dec '23 - 11:33AM
Sarahsfunplace wrote:
I have already booked for 23rd Dec 😊 for our joint Christmas present!
Hope she does not cancel, do you have a plan b ?

posts. Member since
Nov 2021
14th Jan '24 - 20:30PM
Just the night before or sometimes the same day.