posts. Member since
Jun 2023
13th Nov '23 - 09:09AM
What made it so good/so memorable?

posts. Member since
Sep 2020
13th Nov '23 - 12:59PM
Oh blimey, now your asking a complicated question. I would say it has to be the whole package, intimacy, attitude, technique etc.
Liked by suckmedry

posts. Member since
Nov 2021
13th Nov '23 - 13:19PM
As pussypound said its down to their attitude/ approach to their work, when its good its really good.
Liked by Oakenshield

posts. Member since
Jun 2020
13th Nov '23 - 17:51PM
To me its about the quality of the services they provide, well at least some do.
Liked by fishyfoos

posts. Member since
Feb 2022
16th Nov '23 - 11:54AM
Bangerandgash wrote:
As pussypound said its down to their attitude/ approach to their work, when its good its really good.
I have found that the Chinese and the Thai girls have the best attitudes.
Liked by Dave451

posts. Member since
Feb 2022
16th Nov '23 - 13:14PM
TheHeadmaster wrote:
What made it so good/so memorable?
Enthusiasm and they they really provide the services they list in their profiles and dont use the "on discretion" cop-out.
Liked by fishyfoos

posts. Member since
Jun 2023
16th Nov '23 - 18:56PM
I dont have a problem with the discretion thing. You turn up a state, she has every right to refuse you french kissing or OWO etc. These ladies are entitled to have standards. I respect them more for it tbh.
Liked by ChaoticDivinity

posts. Member since
Jan 2020
16th Nov '23 - 19:33PM
TheHeadmaster wrote:
I dont have a problem with the discretion thing. You turn up a state, she has every right to refuse you french kissing or OWO etc. These ladies are entitled to have standards. I respect them more for it tbh.
once you've been around punting for a while you will soon come to realise "on discrection" has nothing to do with standards but everything to do with provider dishonesty.
Liked by suckmedry, ArcticFlower

posts. Member since
Apr 2023
28th Nov '23 - 21:32PM
TheHeadmaster wrote:
What made it so good/so memorable?
I guess when you click.
Liked by suckmedry
posts. Member since
Dec 2023
19th Dec '23 - 17:01PM
smashedit wrote:
I guess when you click.
That certainly makes a huge difference to the whole experience, the difficulty is finding those.

posts. Member since
Oct 2020
1st Jan '24 - 18:10PM
TheHeadmaster wrote:
What made it so good/so memorable?
The knowlege that you have just left a deposit in their uterus. 😊

posts. Member since
Oct 2020
3rd Jan '24 - 17:15PM
TheHeadmaster wrote:
I dont have a problem with the discretion thing. You turn up a state, she has every right to refuse you french kissing or OWO etc. These ladies are entitled to have standards. I respect them more for it tbh.
the problem is not that you are in a state, its that in reality they dont provide the on discretion services ever - period, its simply bait.
posts. Member since
Mar 2022
5th Jan '24 - 15:55PM
The very best one...
I'd hate to say it was the first one thought that was a good one.
On my 5th time: a local who was Brazilian. She was not only just like her pictures but (more importantly) just seemed happy to have me. She was welcoming but sincere. The poor thing had allergies and had to frequently run naked out of the room but that didn't dampen things.
Finding her wasn't hard. A small misunderstanding in which she expected me to meet her outside only delayed us a minute.
We didn't waste time chatting and chatting but we spoke. Languages were mentioned and I discussed my interest in Interlingua.
I really felt I had access to her body. I never expected to control her like a toy and I couldn't have but I could suck on and kiss all over her basically. She asked ME what position I wanted and when I asked hers just persisted with mine so I finally got cowgirl with a beautiful woman.
And she's the only time I've ever climaxed with an escort.
I think I can mention her name was Manuella (obviously not really) and it just shows how good a 140 pound session can be.
I'd hate to say it was the first one thought that was a good one.
On my 5th time: a local who was Brazilian. She was not only just like her pictures but (more importantly) just seemed happy to have me. She was welcoming but sincere. The poor thing had allergies and had to frequently run naked out of the room but that didn't dampen things.
Finding her wasn't hard. A small misunderstanding in which she expected me to meet her outside only delayed us a minute.
We didn't waste time chatting and chatting but we spoke. Languages were mentioned and I discussed my interest in Interlingua.
I really felt I had access to her body. I never expected to control her like a toy and I couldn't have but I could suck on and kiss all over her basically. She asked ME what position I wanted and when I asked hers just persisted with mine so I finally got cowgirl with a beautiful woman.
And she's the only time I've ever climaxed with an escort.
I think I can mention her name was Manuella (obviously not really) and it just shows how good a 140 pound session can be.